Saturday, November 2, 2013

Books I read last month

Hey guys!!! :)
How is it going? For me this month has been awesome in terms of reading. Last month was terrible. I was in a sort of reading slump. I think it's always happening to me at this time of the year and I don't know why, but thanks to Dewey's read-a-thon and some amazing books I've found in my way I've been able to read a good amount of them. 

Here they are:

I finished 8 :O I think it's the first time I've read this much.

Midnight in Austenland (Austenland #2) by

Book a meeting/ a reunion by Lygia Bojunga Nunes. Oh my God! this book was amazing. The author explains in this book her relationship with the book as a reader and as an author. I highly recommend it.

Little Nothings 4: My Shadow in the Distance by

The book of mistakes by

The happiness project by
Handmade by
Wild Mind: Living the Writer's Life by
Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by
If you want to know more about them, just click on the link. They were awesome books. If you want to give it a try, I'm sure they won't let you down.

Well, these are the books I read last month. And you? what did you read? Let me know in the comments.


  1. I have The Happiness Project... should read it soon....

    Happy November reading!

  2. Hehehe

    well, it's up to you. I enjoyed it very much. I hope you like it :)
