Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday quote


When I read a book sometimes I come across some sentences which are truly for me or say something wise or simply I like them and I can't help writing them down.

Here is one of those sentences. I took this one from the book Juniper Berry by M.P. Kozlowsky. It's on page 151.
" Pressures start coming from all sides and it makes you question everything. You lose sight of what's important"

How many times happen that you lose perspective of what you think or what you want because you feel under pressure. I like the book because it points out things like: be yourself because you are great in the way you are, think by yourself, etc which it's something you sometimes forget and I think it's really cool to teach or simply remind children that everybody is different and it's a good thing.

This is me but, what about you?


  1. Literature is so full of fabulous quotes I like to collect and keep a record of them. This one is also very good; it says a lot in so few words. That's why reading is so important for children because it lets them get a glimpse of the world from the safety of a reading chair.
